How about now?
How about today?

It’s about time.  It’s time for your Start-Over Success.

It’s time for us to build the lives we want. It’s time for us to reach our visions, to fulfill our why’s. 

Then, when will you implement strategies and schedule tasks?  Daily. Weekly. Monthly.

This happens best when we schedule our priorities and when to execute tasks. 

We must schedule when to do tasks or, for most people, our to do’s get lost in the shuffle. 

For quite a while, I simply used Notes on my phone to track my daily activities. Now that I’m in building and community mode, I need more. 

12 Hour Year – Love this. 

But the 12 Hour Year planners are complicated and time-consuming. Plus, while I subscribe to their ideology and love their mantra “get more done in a week than you did before in a month,” I want to my planner to be compatible with everyone else I’m interacting with. 

If you fail to plan, you plan to fail.

  • Market research tells you about the environment, economics, market needs, and more that impact your business success. 
  • Business plan. We talk here about creating Start-Over Success. We emphasize starting small (with under $5,000, usually under $500!) and growing big by investing earning back into your business. So, you don’t need a business plan to impress investors or lenders. But you need a business plan to make decisions, chart your course, stay on track, and so much more. 

Track Your Daily, Weekly, and Monthly Activity for Your Small Business

It’s not enough to be “busy.”

Productivity that creates results is key to success. Of course, which activities are important varies by business type, so we won’t talk about them here. 

The important thing here I: track, record, and document activity. It is with the right activities that success happens. For solopreneurs with no “boss” telling them what to do, records provide accountability.

Another time, I’ll talk about getting a Productivity Partner. You can report your progress to that person, share difficulties, brainstorm solutions, and celebrate wins.  

Follow-up Guarantees a Great Customer Experience & Positive Reviews

Once you’ve done your great work for a client, don’t stop there, follow up, and ask how it was for them. Get their comments and the positive reviews that are so important for getting your next clients.  

Want to Ensure Your Long-Time Success? I've got one word: Systems!

No matter what product or service you offer, develop systems to streamline your work and provide consistent results clients can count on.

To scale your business, systems are mandatory. You can’t hand the reins over to a manager unless – or until – you have systems in place that ensure quality.