Start-Over Success Business Under $500: Become a Translator

Focus on how to really make money providing translation services. 

You’ll see lots of information online about how you can Quickly & Easily make over $500 a day, using the Google Translator App. 

There is a need for translations by all kinds of companies. Be prepared to demonstrate your expertise. 

Learn to improve your skills so you can actually be quicker; with translations, time is money. 



Can You Really Earn $500 Per Hour Using Google Translate?


Why do people post phony information online, especially on YouTube? They want to make money from clicks, views, and any other way they can. Some of them even offer classes on how to use Google Translator. 

What’s that saying, “If it sounds too good to be true, it probably is.” 

I was curious enough to check out a plan. But, when you go to get work as a translator, they want your resume with experience as a translator and samples of your work. Of course! 

What You Need as a Translator

  • Advanced language knowledge and vocabulary
  • Excellent writing and typing skills
  • In-depth cultural knowledge
  • Sound research skills
  • Best practice translation and review processes
  • Sound translation judgment
  • Demonstrate translation experience

You MAY need special training to prepare you for industries, like financial or medical. I listed American Transcription Association but you can wait on that until you start earning! 

Work on your business and marketing skills. 

Be a Translator for Under $500

Let’s imagine that you’ve only got $500 to start building income and that transition is a skill you can offer.

Every business has start-up cost: business license, cards, and maybe more. Let’s stay that’s $60. That leaves you with a budget of $440. Period

The American Translation Association looks good, some of their classes may be really helpful even when you’re getting started,. But you have to be a member, at $249 to get certified and certification costs $550. 

How about if you get the classes you need at $120 each for two or three, That makes your investment $60 + $320 = $420. After you have income, you can pay the $800 for ATA Membership and Certification. Be patient. Don’t let what you think you need stand in the way of your Start-Over Success and your best life.  

Why Industries Need Translators

Think of why businesses need translations.
1) They may do international business in another country. They need legal documents, onboarding instructions, employee manuals, operational guidelines, and more. 

2) When it comes to entertainment, gaming, and authors, with translations they expand their customer base. 

3) People working on scientific research may be in more than one country. To communicate with each other, translations are mandatory. 

Your First Year as a Translator

Just knowing the language is not enough. Clients need translations, proofreading, editing, subtitling, and more.

You must practice your skills, including vocabulary and typing.

It’s usual for a translator’s income to get off to a slow start. 

In addition to translations, if you work directly with clients, you’ll have to do marketing and business tasks.

The great news: as you learn and practice marketing and running your business, you’ll be able to scale your business.

How You Can Find Translation Clients

Put your ducks in a row. To build trust, build a great LinkedIn profile that shows your skill. (You can wait on building a website.) 

Then, make a list of your current connections and let them know you are doing translations. Reaching out to them can bring you your first business. 

Next, join LinkedIn groups about translators in the industries you can work in. As a group member, you can reach out to others who are not your #1 connections. 

Don’t “sell,” let them know you’re there. When it comes to any kind of connections you make, be win-win! (See 10 Ways to Get Business)

Getting Work from Tanslation Agencies

There are a gazillion translation agencies, with their own specialization. Take the time to choose the best agency for your skills and ambitions. 

When you post on these platforms, you must be seen and make a positive impression, in order to be chosen. 

Post a great profile. Use great copy to stand out from others. 

Freelance or Translation Agency.

Let’s face it, listing with a translation agency makes your life easier. You can focus your time on doing work that you get paid for.

You’ll be paid less than if you freelance, but you won’t have to do marketing or admin work.

On the other hand, if you have an entrepreneurial spirit and want to earn as much as possible with your translation business, freelancing will be best for you. Why? 

As a freelancer, you’ll learn how to manage your business and all the necessary tasks, along with marketing your services. 

What's Next For You?

If you choose to freelance and learn the business and marketing skills necessary to make it as a solopreneur, you’re ready for a big next step. 

For example, start noticing how many authors and gamers do not have their work translated into other languages. Yet. Not until you sell them on the idea of going international! 

After all, authors and gamers can double their income overnight by expanding with translation. And when you bring the idea to them, they will choose you and your agency to do the work. Can you say “ka ching”?

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