Start-Over Success Business Under $500:
Virtual Life Coach

Are you good with people and love the idea of helping them create their best lives? If yes, becoming a life coach might be just the path for you. 

What You Need to Become a Virtual Life Coach

Training can be as little at $150 or you can spend thousands. To start your business with under $500, you really need to not over-spend on your training and certification. It can be very attractive to choose a high-end program and that will build your confidence.

Know this: Tony Robbins did not get trained by someone else. That said, being associated with a company may help you make big numbers. Check it out and decide for yourself. 

Computer & high-speed internet. You may already have a computer, so you’re set. If you don’t have good internet, you’ll need to invest in that because you don’t want to be interrupted in the middle of a session with a prospect or client. ($70/mo)

Smartphone. Again, you probably already have a smartphone. If not, you can get one, along with service. ($80/mo)

Website. You can look professional and make a high-end impression with a website. ($3/mo

You also do need a business licensee ($40), DBA ($15), a business bank account (Free), and a payment acceptance plan. (There’s a fee per sale on PayPal, Stripe, or Venmo.)


Live vs Virtual Life Coaching

Much of the Life Coaching I’m talking about here can be delivered live or over the internet. You need training for both, so you have a system to follow. There’s no  best way to deliver your coaching, live versus virtual, it’s about what works best for you. 

LIVE SESSIONS. With live life coaching sessions, your work is restricted to your geographic area. To do live sessions, you need a place to work. That can be in your home (although many neighborhoods restrict commercial visits, or limit to three people a day). If you live with other people, this can be a problem; life coaching is very personal, so no one should be in earshot.

If you’re focusing your work on coaching for businesspeople, you can go to their office. And you’ll lose time driving around town. 

VIRTUAL SESSION. With Virtual Life Coaching, you can work anywhere with people who have the internet. You will have to become proficient with doing sessions on the internet. It’s good that most people got familiar with using Zoom during the pandemic.

There is no cost for a place for you to work, nor do you have to drive to see clients. You can focus all your time with coaching, business admin, and marketing. 

The Choice Is Up to You

Choose a Niche & Your Target Market

Life coaches help people in many ways. Some like to be generalists. However, It can be more powerful to specialize. Here are some areas to consider helping clients with:

  • Make More Money
  • Establish and Stick With Healthy Habits
  • Develop Skills like self-discipline, time management, or being organized
  • Improve communication 
  • Improve relationships
  • Reduce Stress

Also think of who your ideal clients would be. Consider their: age, economic situation, life season, interests, occupation, and more. As you learn more about your market, you’ll be in a better situation to market to, sell, and serve them. 

Your Niche Helps You Focus

How Much Can You Make as a Virtual Life Coach?

How much you make depends on you. 

You will do coaching with clients. 

Much of your earnings depends on how well you market yourself. Mary XXX recommends to write a list of 50 people you know and to call them to talk about what’s new with them and the Life Coaching work you are doing. 

There are many ways to market your business, but you must do the work. That’s why I say, “Build your business and your business grows you.” 

To become successful you’ll have to take action, whether you are comfortable with it or not. In fact, in the same way you help others build their best lives, you will be helping yourself. 

Build Your Business...and Your Business Grows You.

How Much Should You Charge as a Virtual LIfe Coach?

Whatever you do, don’t be “fast, cheap, and easy.” That works for McDonald’s but not for you as a life coach.

You work to bring people to their best lives. Should that be cheap? 

In deciding what to charge, think of:

  • What income you need and want for your current lifestyle 
  • What your business costs are, and will become, as you grow
  • What your market can afford to pay, and has shown they will pay
  • What your competitors charge (Typical charges are $75-$250 an hour)

Don’t think in terms of dollars per hour or per session. Instead, position yourself as giving value to clients. Think of their return on investment (ROI).

People will pay you for the value you bring them and the results they accomplish because of working with you. 


What Do Life Coaches Charge?

More on How to Get Clients

To serve clients, first they have to know you exist and they have to buy from you. 

How good you. become at marketing and selling yourself will define your career and your income. 

Read books on salesmanship and success. Sell or Be Sold, Spin Selling, Think and Grow Rich, and more. 


Don't Rely on Your Website if it is just an online brochure.

Create a blog with helpful, valuable information. Share content that is remarkable, as in “worthy of remark.” (Consider as an example.)

Join, post articles, link to your blog, and take advantage of the community it offers. 

Give compatible businesses and bloggers reasons to cross-network and/or collab with you. 

Use whatever Social Media your market hangs out on: Facebook, Instagram, Pinterest, Twitter, LinkedIn. Make posts that link back to your blog articles.

Start a YouTube channel. Interview people in compatible industries and cross-market with each other. 

10 Ways to Offer Your Coaching

10 Next-Steps for Your Coaching

As a life coach, you help other people create their best lives and along the way you build yours, too.