Start-Over Success Business Under $500:
Content Creator

Here’s a good clue that being a Content Creator Is a good business for you: You’re already creating content!

Have you created:

  • Memes for social media
  • Infographics
  • Faceless Videos
  • Videos with a camera
  • Writing – Content and/or Copywriting
  • Lead Magnet “products”
  • Sales Funnels 

Katie Steckley, YouTube

How Much Money Can You Make as a Content Creator?

ZipRecruiter says the typical rate for a US-based content creator is $50,837 annually. The average YouTuber salary for those with at least 1 million subscribers, according to Mint Life, is $60,000 per year. But that’s not counting sponsorships, affiliate commissions, or other ways to monetize

On Instagram, macro-influencers (over a million followers) can make $10,000–$1 million+ per post. Micro-influencers (10,000–50,000 followers) can plan on $100–$500 per post.

If you’re a micro-influencer, asking for support on Patreon could bring in roughly $50-$250 extra a month. And there are many more ways for a content creator to profit, see below. 

You can build your Content Creator business to $10,000-$30,000 a month, or more. Others have, why not you? 

How to Get the Subs & Followers Required for Social Media Monetization

  1. Use the Google Keyword Planner to determine what people are asking for and looking for solutions to. On social media platforms search “your niche and your market.” What comes up is what people are asking about
  2. Regarding YouTube, Think Media suggests, “Answer specific questions.” Be clear and concise. Produce YouTube shorts for your niche. But don’t make just any video. Ask what viewers in your niche want to see.
  3. Each platform is different and wants different content and style. Discover what that is for your niche. It’s the old saying, “Find out what they want and give them that. “
  4. Ask people to subscribe or follow, like, comment, and share. Give so much value that they want more from you and they will join. 

Katie Steckly, YouTube

Think Outside the Box, There's More Money There

I’m using Katie Steckly as an example. She has 196,000 subs on YouTube. Let her story inspire you, no matter what kind of digital creator you are or what platform you are on. She breaks down her income this way:

  1. Creative Agency 67% (Team of six, working for small business owners and personal brands for $1,000+/mo or more)
  2. Brand Deals/Sponsorships 18% (Sponsoring pieces of content, with integrations on YouTube, Instagram, ad reads on Podcast, and email shout-outs) SeeUScreen Sponsor,  Platform for sharing, memberships, payments & customer experience 
  3. Digital Products – Notions App & Light Box Templates 4% This is new; for $20 to $300
  4. Google Adsense 13% (This is the only way to make money that you have to wait for. YouTube requires 1,000 and 4,000 hours of watch time to qualify.)
  5. Course, “Instagram Road Map for Creators”, new
  6. Affiliate Partnerships 2% 
    Other income-generation ideas for content creators
  7. User-Generated Content. Make a video raving about your favorite product, contact the company and offer for them to use it, for a fee. 
  8. Membership in your community or other…
  9. Put links to freebies and products on all posts & video descriptions. 
Consider, it’s like Shopify for digital content. ($29/mo)

Where Will You Find Your Money as a Content Creator?

How to Become a Content Creator

    For whatever you don’t already know, take online courses; there are many free ones on YouTube. Practice, practice, practice. See which medium you like best and are best at. When I was in Digital Design School, I learned PhotoShop, InDesign, and Illustrator. They were all fun, but I’ve become a Keynote Wizard. Funny how, when you’re great at something, it’s fun.


  2. PICK A NICHE. DISCOVER WHICH PLATFORM IS BEST FOR YOU AND YOUR MARKET. I like doing research and providing long-form content. I’m great at business strategies and marketing So blogging and videos on YouTube are best for me. Not Tik Tok or Instagram. You know what my niche is: Starting businesses with a small budget for people over 55.

    They say to pick one platform. That doesn’t fit for me. My blog is important. So is YouTube; but not yet. First I’m focusing on my blog, then I’ll do start doing videos.

  3. CREATE AN EMAIL LIST. Yes, email list, with an Irresistible Offer (so people will sign up, give them a valuable freebie), Sales Funnel (with steps in your sales process), and Call to Action (what you want prospects to do, subscribe, follow, download, visit, contact you).

  4. BE CONSISTENT. LEARN TO POST CONTENT ON A REGULAR SCHEDULE. Who decides on how often to post? While there are standards per platform, do what works for you and that you can stick to. Now, you can produce the content all in one day if you want, then post according to your schedule. People like that.
  5. PROVIDE VALUE AND PLAN TO RECEIVE VALUE WITH INCOME STREAMS. Make content that is binge worthy and ready with more content for them to consume. See Outside the Box Ideas above. 

What's Next For You?

 While you’re building, realize that your biggest money maker can become your YouTube channel. Consider a lot of “evergreen” content that can last for years. 

That said, always expand your email list because you own that. Content on other platforms, including YouTube, can disappear. It’s a good idea to keep backups of all your content on external hard drives. Your content is your Intellectual Property and has value, protect it.

There’s room for you to grow each money-making area. Know this: a Content Marketing Agency can be sold, so can a Community Membership, Digital Products and Courses, YouTube Channels and your website and social media accounts. 

Modern Millie, YouTube