There are two kinds of "Where" we'll talk about here:

1 - Where you are now.
2 - Where you want to end up.


Know this: You aren’t starting from scratch. You are starting with loads of experience, skill, and resources for fueling your Start-Over Success.

Let’s look at what you’ve got to work with, as you begin your  Start-Over Success journey.

SKILLS. What skills do you have? Are you a master of the work you offer? 

ADDITIONAL SKILLS. What else do you bring to the party? Salesmanship, Public Speaking, Writing, these (and more) help you add value to others, and income for your venture. 

EXPERIENCE. What have you done that will help in this venture? Don’t just think of work involvements. Consider everything, sports, theater, leadership, and other experiences. 

RESOURCES. What resources do you have? Think of everything here, from your smartphone to your computer and more. 

TRANSPORTATION. Do you need a car for getting to meetings? Do you need a truck to haul work equipment? Do you already own these? 

TECHNOLOGY. Do you have software and apps you need for your Start-Over Success? Should you upgrade your tech so you can do more, and earn more? 

SPACE. Do you need work space? Is an office necessary or can you work from home? Must you go to client locations or can you work virtually? 

YOUR QUALITIES. We’ll talk about this is the “Who” section. 


Consider your near-term and longer-term needs and wants.

INCOME. What do you want in terms of income? Why that amount? This will be important in what you choose to do to generate income.

LIFESTYLE. How – and where – do you want to live?  This is closely related to your income needs. Look at all sides of income & lifestyle, they affect your other choices and challenges.  

RESPONSIBILITIES. What do you want to provide? For example, education of kids or grandkids, donations for charities, or other.

RELATIONSHIPS. How do you want your relationships to be? How will your Start-Over Success plans affect others?

COMMUNITY. Longevity research highlights the physical benefits of community interactions, while studies on business show  advantages with buddy systems, collaborations, and more. 

FINANCIAL. Do you desire Financial  Independence? Freedom from debt?  

FREEDOM. What do you want with your Time, Location, and other considerations? 

HEALTH. They say “You don’t have anything if you don’t have your health.” Yet people often don’t exercise and eat to create greater health. 

SPIRITUAL. Is this an important part of your life? How does this work hand in hand with other aspects of what you want?